The girlfriend breaks the silence – 25 years after the death of the star


Actor River Phoenix died on October 31, 1993. The star was one of Hollywood's brightest stars and had a flourishing career in the film industry. At age 16, he played in Chris Chambers, 12, in the film "Stand by Me", very cool, and was nominated in 1988 for the Oscar for best male film in the movie "Escape Without A Goal" ".

The tragic evening of October changed everything – and the actor died as a result of an overdose of cocaine and heroin outside The Viper Room in Hollywood. One of the owners of the club was the actor Johnny Depp.

After 25 years of silence, actress River Phoenix girlfriend, Samantha Mathis, aged 48, opts to open the night her boyfriend died.

– I knew something was wrong that night, something I did not understand. I did not see anyone who was using drugs, but he was high in a way that made me feel uncomfortable, she says now, according to the Guardian.

"Stand by me" 1986.

Photo: TV6

Makes during the recording of a movie

Samantha Mathis joined River Phoenix when they worked with the movie "The Thing Called Love" and after watching the movie recently, she felt that it was time to tell her story about what's going on. spent the night where the star died.

River Phoenix was with his little brother Leaf (Joaquin Phoenix) and his sister Rain. They would stay at the club on Sunset Boulevard, where Johnny Depp was a partner.

River Phoenix asked them to be part of the group when one of the band members was missing and they stayed longer than expected in the club.

45 minutes after joining the club, the movie star was dead.

Joaquin Phoenix: "Please, come here, please! He is dying!"

Mathis recounted how she had seen how the river had been called to leave the club and she thought that he had beaten. She saw Phoenix with another man and she saw how the star fell together on the sidewalk on the outside.

She then asked the other man, "What did you do? What did you take?"

The then 19-year-old brother Joaquin Phoenix called the 911 emergency call and asked desperately for help with the tears that were flowing.

– If you like, come here, please! He dies!

But the Phoenix River was dead before the medical staff reached the site.

"I have suspicions about what happened, but I did not see anything," she says while continuing.

"I know that he was high that night, but the heroine who killed him did not have it until he was at home." Viper Room.

Samantha Davis and River Phoenix in "Something called love".

Photo: editor

Samantha Mathis: "Are not you okay?"

Samantha Mathis told them that they were happy the last time they met and that she felt as if the river was sober. He also tried to get others to stop heroin – but when he needed help, his friends were not there.

According to her, he was very sensitive and intense and felt things very deeply.

"If the river was still there, I think it would play, run, save the environment, live and hang in. Oh, jisses, that's wrong?" She says in the interview.

After the success of "Stand by Me" in 1986, he was nominated two years later for the Oscar for Best Movie Star in the movie "Escape Without A Goal".

River Phoenix also played the young Indiana Jones in the third movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, in 1989, and was awarded in 1991 for his performance in the film "On Operation Against Idaho" at the Venice Film Festival.

River Phoenix is ​​23 years old.

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