The heat grows older – Uppsala


The sun gasifies and it is over 30 degrees of heat in the shade. SMHI has just come out with a warning, the most serious degree, for "extremely high temperatures at least Wednesday" in Uppsala County. For some groups in society, the heat is stressful and at risk, especially for the elderly.

On plan 4 of the Stenhagens Nursing Home, doors open on balconies and fans. But it is hot and heavy air even in the interior. In a couch group, underliers Pernilla Andersson and Luna Kahn talk with residents Holger Josefsson, Gösta Robinsson and Sven Hjalmarsson. The atmosphere is good, but the heat is a challenge.

– I went out and trained, but I went home and went home. It was too hot, says Holger Josefsson – 99 years old!

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SMHI now warns for more days with temperatures of over 30 degrees.

– The heat is hard, 21 degrees is perfect. Now, I can not go out today. I've heard that Sven Hjalmarsson is drinking 2 liters a day.

Drinking yes, it's something the staff always remembers.

– Even us! It's horrible to work when it's like that. And our work clothes do not breathe. It's terrible, says Pernilla Andersson.

Holger, Sven and Gösta say that they are hugging each other more than usual, that they can almost fall asleep where they are after a while. And the heat creates worries, says Sven Hjalmarsson

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Luna Kahn, Gösta Robinsson and Sven Hjalmarsson keep the mood despite the busy weather

– In our time, many weak points, perhaps the heart, breathing or blood circulation. Then you are particularly sensitive. It's a little quieter, he says.

The municipality should act for the elderly.

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Holger Josefsson proudly shows his runners and tells the story of the 90-year-old man

– This heat is deadly for the weakest. The municipality could follow a cooler room or the dining room was air-conditioned. What can it cost? Older people are becoming more and more and in the future these types of extreme times will become more common, he says.

Read more: Extreme Heat Continues to Destroy

Coffee and cloth cakes were worn on a wheelchair. The balcony is open, but almost everyone sees in front of the television, where there are Falsterbo horse races. Holger Josefsson, who is very athletic and has a world record of 800 meters in 90 years, is looking forward to the final of the World Cup between France and Croatia later in the day. Both are countries where you are more accustomed to summers than 30 degrees. He and nurse Pernilla Andersson thought that everyone should take a nap at the hottest, as in the Mediterranean countries.

– Yes, the staff could lock us up, "said Holger Josefsson, 99. .fbAsyncInit = function () {
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