The hotel in Russia turned out to be a mess: "I was really shocked"


When Karin Eklund and his cohabitant book accommodation in Nizhny Novgorod via the booking site, everything looks normal. A large bed, a bathroom and a window.

Once upon a time, they noticed that something went very wrong. The room consists only of a strip-tease bar and a black leather sofa.

– I was really shocked. I did not think it was true. It was not a hotel, it was a brothel, tells Karin at SVT News

Karin then goes to the check-in counter to advertise when she sees a man coming out of the house. 39, a play with two half-naked women

. "Menus" on different sexual treatments.

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A menu of sexual treatments at the reception of accommodation Photo: Karin Eklund

"Det is contrary to ethics"

Following a discussion with the staff, they are forced to find new accommodation instead – an hour outside the city. They do not have a refund, but the hotel offers them another room for the double price.

Karin and Sambon have since been in contact with the booking site, which would not make up for the room or the booking fee.

"What's so frustrating is that communicates this kind of place.They need to look at what they have for the type of hotel." is unethical.

Reservation: We will support the client

On the booking site you can read it and give your opinion about the hotel. Other disappointed guests who had experiences similar to those of Karin. writes in a written comment to SVT News that she wants to help Karin Eklund to receive compensation from the hotel. [19659002] "Our overall goal is to provide our customers with quick and easy access to transparent and robust information that allows customers to find the stay that suits them best.

In the very rare case where we discover potential irregularities in the way accommodation is presented, whether it be his photos or the facilities that he claims to offer, we take the issue seriously and try to make adjustments with the expectations of our customers. This is exactly what we are doing and we are looking forward to helping the customer get a refund, "they write.

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