The inefficient Malmö only scored a draw against Östersund


Photo: Bildbyrån and Cmore

MALMÖ / STOCKHOLM. Marcus Antonsson is ready for Malmö, but perhaps the striker would have already played the match against Östersund

Malmö missed a series of chances and had to settle for a draw after that Saman Ghoddos recognized a nice free kick.

Ghoddos is extremely satisfied with the points we have taken.

Malmö and Östersund did not convince at the beginning of Sweden. But in the summer, both clubs received new coaches and victories against Sirius and Hammarby in the final round.

At today 's game in Malmö, the local team took the lead after 33 minutes of play.

Malmö created a lot of chances for a 2-0 goal, but Rosenberg and his team-mate striker Alexander Jeremejeff missed a goal.

Östersund's new coach, Ian Burchnall, said in the breakup interview that he was happy to stay only on the score of 0-1 at half-time. In the 72nd minute, he became even happier when Östersund refused a brilliant shot from Saman Ghoddos.

Jeremejeff: "No Comments"

Östersund held until the end and scored a point of a match where the inefficiency of Malmö in the goal became crucial . After the closing signal, spectators bowed in front of the Malmö stadium

– Sadly. We have many positions and I could have scored several goals today. He fears, says striker Alexander Jeremejeff at Sportbladet.

– We are much better than them, creating a lot of fashions and hardly releasing anyone. An impeccable match where we are too inefficient. I continue, among other things, Jeremejeff

After the match, Malmö confirmed that the club had been clear with the former Kalmar striker, Marcus Antonsson of Leeds. According to the data of Sportbladet, it is also clear that Jeremejeff returns to Häcken at the same time.

At the same time, according to the tasks of Sportbladet, Jeremejeff will leave Malmö and return to Häcken.

– I can not. Right now, I have no comments on this, he says.

"My ambition to be sold"

The happiest about the result was Saman Ghoddos. The attacker comes from Malmö and ran after his free kick goal until he was hugged by relatives and friends.

– This season, I practiced a lot of free kicks. The distance was perfect for me, he says about the receipt

– Malmö has many opportunities. Keita saves us. There could have been many more goals from Malmö. I am therefore extremely satisfied with the points we have made. Malmö is the hardest team to meet on the track, Ghoddos continues.

According to the information of Sportbladet, ÖFK has recently received two concrete offers of about 40 million crowns on Ghoddos. He himself says that he does not know how long he stays in all Swedish.

– I still have contracts, but of course it's my ambition to be sold.