The invitation of Linda Bengtzing – after the forest fires: "Who is gone?"


Artist Linda Bengtzing, 44, feels strong for forest owners and families who have suffered extreme summer wildfires. Now she wants to help and invites other artists to organize a charity concert together.

The summer forest fires are larger than those in Västmanland in the summer of 2014. Overall, MSB, the authority for protection and preparedness, believes that # 39, about 25 000 hectares burn in Sweden – an area of ​​35 700 football plans. Linda Bengtzing posted a photo with text intended for other artists, which she now hopes to see and help.

"Dear fellow artists, how about one or more concerts together for all the forest owners and their families who have lost all or part of their source of income for this summer's wildfires. help, and I'm good at extinguishing fires, but I'm just good metaphorically: how to look in detail and how any support can be distributed, we'll help you. "she writes in the post.

https: // www.

MORE INFO: Linda Bengtzing Shows the Great Change


Several artists want to settle

In Linda Bengtzing's posts, she tagged several artists and after a few hours she received responses from the artists in the comments field.

"Nice initiative. to be with "writes Tommy Nilsson.

" I'm happy, good idea, Linda, Hug "writes the magician Anna Shalene.

" May I, am I too? ", Writes Markoolio.

the legends want to participate in the initiative:

"We are set up", writes Casper Janebrink

Andreas Lundstedt, the magician Tobbe Blom and the artistic director Mikael Brinkenstjerne wrote that his company was created with artists and technicians

Expressen is looking for Linda Bentzing

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