The kepler of the spacecraft is stopped


During this nine and a half year trip, the telescope discovered thousands of planets out of our solar system and played an important role in the search for space in the space.

It is mainly used to search in an area of ​​Winter Street "exoplanets" that could be in the "Goldlock area". This means that the planets could have floating water and end of life.

Among the exoplanets discovered over the past 20 years, Kepler accounted for 2,600 of the 3,800 discoveries.

"We have now shown that there are more planets than stars in our galaxy," said William Borucki, director of Kepler at the NASA Space Agency.

Right now, spin Kepler around the sun, 156 million kilometers from the earth. According to NASA, the telescope will go further and the ground staff will turn off its radio transmitter.

The telescope was launched in 2009, but after four years, the positioning system was inadequate. The researchers managed to control the telescope.

The environmental project is now being replaced by the Tess satellite, which will be on a two-year mission in April.

"Kepler has paved the way for a human exploration of the cosmos," said William Borucki, who is also retiring.

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