The kiss of Erik Hörstadius and Alexandra Zazzi in the biggest loser VIP


The final in the approaches of the "VIP the biggest loser" and five participants have trouble to present themselves as winner.

The press of the participants is excellent and they support each other. In the evening section, it is clear that two of the participants got closer.

The journalist and writer Erik Hörstadius won a competition and received a mini-silo for the invocation of the week. He also gave a half-minusilo to another participant and chose the chef Alexandra Zazzi.

– Did you give it to me? Well, you, said Alexandra Zazzi.

Erik Hörstadius and Alexandra Zazzi kissed and kissed each other on the cheek. The cheek on her cheek suddenly became a kiss on her mouth – which surprised program manager Anna Brolin.

– Oh, here's the thing! she exclaimed.

"Now it's official," said Erik Hörstadius.

Erik Hörstadius: "She loves him"

Now, Erik Hörstadius tells me that it was a spontaneous joke of joy.

– Yes, I do not plan much. Fan, I love him. We had not known each other since before, but she became for me a sister, "he says.

The journalist believes that Zazzi was a powerful support for the competition.

"I always felt like a loser skull.Alexander Zazzi made me believe that I could actually win, she was very good at cheering me up. energy and desire for competitions, says Hörstadius.

Alexandra Zazzi: "I feel deeply"

Alexandra Zazzi writes in an email that she and Erik Hörstadius drew close to each other during the recording, although they were surprised by his efforts.

"Ha ha, I'm half Italian and we often kiss our cheeks when we're happy.It's me who started by kissing Erik.I was a little ill-prepared on my cheek, but that's Was in extreme friendship, "she writes and continues:

"I count many of the people I met at the castle as very close friends, it's as if I had followed the same class and taken an intensive friendship course. 'between them and I stay in touch.Erik is one of them.'

"Biggest Loser VIP" airs on Mondays at 9 pm on TV4 and TV4.

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