The Laila Bagge Children's Match with Korosh


Radio RIX FM received a national license: from 1 August, Swedish listeners will be able to spend the morning with Roger Nordin, 41, and Laila Bagge, 45, in "RIX MorronZoo".

Radioduon has made known to generously share the privacy of live broadcasts, and they intend to continue in the future.

Roger Nordin and Laila Bagge have both been open with their children's wish.

This spring, Laila Bagge told her that Korosh Kananian, 27, would like to have children. But it has proven difficult to get pregnant naturally. In her TV reality show "Lailaland" on TV3, Laila Bagge received the medical message that there is a small chance of getting pregnant using fertility-boosting syringes.

– I try to have children with my partner. How's it going, I'll reveal it on the radio and in "Lailaland" this fall, she says.

READ MORE: Laila Bagge's greatest fear: "Be gone because I can not have children"

Bagge on the gift of eggs: "I need them"

Roger Nordin lives with fiance Jonas Elgh, 30 years old. He embraces the desire of their childhood and says that they try and try – without resignation.

– Nobody of us has an egg that works now! says Laila Bagge

According to Roger Nordin, he and the young man go to the problem of the family

– We have projects for children every other day. We are now in a period of life where we sometimes aspire to many children. But at the same time we feel: "how should we do?" It will be a little harder with two guys, he says.

– You must have girlfriends who throw you eggs? I had straightened your egg if I could. Now I need them, "says Laila Bagge laughing

– When everything starts to be neat, all women go to Denmark or instead choose the county's insemination program. They seem to be disordered otherwise. But if there was a woman who said, "Hi, I want to feed your child now," then I would take a serious thinker, "says Roger Nordin.

The "RIX MorronZoo" broadcasts will begin on August 1st.

READ MORE: The Dream of Laila Bagge's Villa Accomplishes

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