The left must contend with its anti-Semitism | Gothenburg after


"My unofficial opinion as an individual is a little more based on the imagination.Israel has occupied another country.Fly people flee from their own homes, take their land and steal their lives and their freedom, there is nothing defensible in all this.The best friend of Israel is the United States, another infernal regime with large areas.Then why not invite friends and their to make room at the farm They seem to be good in the company of the other.And the Palestinians can live in peace and rebuild the land once upon a time … I can at least allow to dream of Such a solution or how? "

This is a direct quote from the interview that feminist magazine Perspective made with the feminist initiative of the feminist initiative, Oldoz Javidi, where she releases the heart of what she wants to see as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This quote has now been withdrawn after many responded to the innocent aspirations of the riksdag candidate to engage in the relocation of people and to make Israel Judenrain and replaced by an incision on FI's official position on this subject.

and some diffuse non-apology from Oldoz Javidi where she says the quote was removed because "it was not a political solution but a fantasy that could be misinterpreted", we are supposed to proceed and write the incident as human

Can not misunderstand

But the problem for Javidi and FI is not that the statement on the drain of Israel over Jews can be misinterpreted, but it can not be misinterpreted and represents a solution, regardless of what Javidi is trying to claim, and this solution is final.

Oldoz Javidi's statement is treated as a shocking exception, but I mean her hill ICTs are a rule in the world that she stands for and the only thing shocking is that she chose to to say so openly his most intimate dream to the Jewish people and that the journalist on the feminist perspective does not want to ask a single critical question about what is profound anti-Semitic statement

The left needs to recognize and to deal with the deeply rooted anti-Semitism that lives and thrives in its joints

Anti-Semitism is prevalent in the left, and what is called solidarity with the Palestinians becomes fast, as we can to see him, a call for public purification of the Jews. The examples are innumerable, at the present time; Adrian Kabas (S) claims that the IS warriors were trained by Israeli intelligence services, said Mats Fuchs, Helsingborg politician, that "all power in the world is based on a small Click Zionists, "Margot Wallströms (S) condemns" Extrajudicial executions "of the Israeli police on Palestine and dispatch Veronica Palms (S), Member of Parliament, who resolved:" You wonder who will be elected to burn the next time?". It's not a coincidence if Javidi felt comfortable enough to talk about his dreams and his visions of how to solve the "jude problem", that is to say globally widespread, accepted and universal anti-Semitism. I was not expecting banners or refusals, and I probably think that FI does not consider her to be an inappropriate parliamentary candidate, even though she is now considered anti-Semitism. This is not a unique case to put on the bunch of innumerable individual cases that we have seen in the last ten years, it 's about a left tumor that looks like that of British Labor and its metastases go equally high. It's now a societal problem, and the question is whether society is ready to see this truth in the white eyes or if we go back to phaser all those "isolated events" as if they were in the empty.

Kamouflerat Hat

Fighting the Nazis in Almedalen is easy because they look like villains, dress up as villains and come with a clear and hilarious ideology. Fighting the darkness when it is hidden in the light is all the more difficult as hatred is camouflaged by the finer words; like feminism and solidarity.

I do not accept the timid excuses of Oldoz Javidi, and I do not believe in FI either when they say his statement does not represent their position. "If you dream," she said clearly, admitting that her dream is an Israel without Jews, who has moved at will in a foreign country. These words, these intimate dreams, are all too familiar to me and I know that they cause a nightmare.

The left needs to recognize and face the deeply rooted antisemitism that lives and thrives in its joints. Before that, their beautiful words of equality and fraternity fall flat in front of my ears.

Annika Hernroth Rothstein

Political Chronicle of the National Review, Israel Hayom and Washington Examiner

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