The letter to Frostenson saved the Academy


What does resolution really mean? The Swedish Academy's own word list is explained by the words "decision, joint statement".

To make a joint statement, you have to agree – and it has been difficult for the Academy for a long time. Permanent Secretary Anders Olsson described the situation before agreeing to send Katarina Frostenson the letter as "extremely critical".

– As I have judged, the academy could have been solved during this period, during these weeks. We have virtually seen no opportunity to proceed. When we were able to agree with those who were temporarily outside the academy and drafted the resolution, there was a breakthrough, he told TT.

"Massive Major" for

The resolution that, according to Olsson, "a large majority" of members stood behind (three reserved) contained a call or a recommendation to Katarina Frostenson to volunteer to resign from her position as a member of the Academy. Frostenson has close ties to the so-called cultural profile and is accused of having breached the confidentiality of the Academy on several occasions.

Acting member Eric M Runesson, who served as mediator at the worst crisis of the academy, points out that the invitation to leave Frostenson does not mean that college members have taken a stand on the problem of the debt. This means that whether she is indebted to him or not, she is currently a burden to the Academy.

"The duty of loyalty is to put the interests of the Academy ahead of theirs, and if you are rightly or wrongly questioned, if trust is eroded, it becomes a problem for the organization ready In this situation, most organizations and representatives of organizations agree that a solution is put aside, "he said.

Corrects the interrogation points

But because Katarina Frostenson claims her virginity – and does not leave voluntarily – the academy has to investigate the so-called confidentiality, says Eric M Runesson.

"The investigation is based on Katarina Frostenson's own task:" No, I'm not responsible for the confidentiality of the information. "Next, you must search for a reasonable explanation of the data and correct the interrogation points. outstanding since the last survey.

TT: Katarina Frostenson has a legal representative, but is the investigation done at the Academy or is it an external force that manages it?

"The academy is using an external force to develop something similar to a decision base, and as Katarina Frostenson, with her representative, can comment, from there we can continue," says Eric M. Runesson, who does not mean who the two agents are.

"Went too fast"

Communication will now take place between the two agents. No time limit has been set for the investigation to be completed, but Eric M Runesson and Anders Olsson think it could take a few months.

But what was wrong in the first investigation of a lawyer, commissioned by former permanent secretary Sara Danius? He would examine whether the cultural profile had influenced the work of the Academy – but was not intended to lay the foundation for a possible exclusion of Katarina Frostenson and is therefore insufficient, says Eric M Runesson.

– The preparation at the Academy was too fast. It is also understandable that people who are not used to dealing with such difficult situations feel stressed, "said Eric M Runesson.

Anders Olsson adds:

"I think that is also what prompted many members of the Academy to stand up and vote against an exclusion." We felt we could not really deal with a member because we had a good cooperation for less than 25 years.

This is not said directly, but it is clear that the question of Katarina Frostenson is still a flyer for the Swedish Academy. What happens if the investigation shows that she was not guilty of any of her defendants? The answer is not yet clear.

"You constantly say that we want to get rid of Katarina, that exclusion is a requirement, we do not know it's an open process, we do not know how it will end," says Anders Olsson.

Facts: More questions at the Academy

1. Why did Katarina Frostenson choose not to participate in the first investigation by a lawyer?

This has to do with how she was placed outside and treated. She was very painfully excluded from the communication, and then it's very easy to turn around and say, "I do not want to do that," Anders Olsson said.

2. You are cautious when describing the course of events surrounding the previous judicial inquiry, but you still feel that the debt lies with those who have practiced in the academies in the past. Is it true?

If you are not used to dealing with this kind of tricky and complex situations, you may be stressed and it is then close to you to let yourself be guided by irrelevant considerations. "How fast does it happen?", "What is expected of me?", You do not get enough "astute" as we call it in English, you can not stay stand still in this case and defend the interests of your eyes, "says Eric M Runesson.
You may not have to underestimate the opinions that existed and were extremely strong. This may have also played a major role in speeding up the process. It became a stress that affected everyone who worked here at the Academy, "said Anders Olsson.

3. Did Frostenson resolve the fact that Jayne Svenungsson had left the Academy as part of an extension?

I do not want to go, she is allowed to explain her motives to leave the academy. The decision she made was quite fast. But I can only say in general that we have been under extreme pressure throughout the year and that it is of course not fun for a new member to join this battle. I think it may have been recorded here, it must have been pretty horrible, "said Anders Olsson.

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