The longest eclipse of Seklet on Friday


Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB Scanpix / TT

When the sun's rays strike the moon through the earth's atmosphere, the moon is colored red. Image archive.

Raise your eyes on Fridays. So the longest lunar eclipse of this century is happening. At the same time, you can enjoy the planet Mars, which has not been so close to the land for fifteen years.

– You can see almost the whole route when the weather is nice, so it will be a very good lunar eclipse here in Sweden, says Robert Cumming is the publisher of Popular Astronomy magazine and also works on the observatory Space Onsala

The total lunar eclipse, or the moon of blood as it is also called, has not always been so popular because the red color was long considered a warning of Horrible events. But now we know that the phenomenon occurs when the earth ends between the moon and the sun and the moon goes into the shadow of the earth. On the moon, however, there is a dark eclipse, where the sun is visible as a red border around the earth, and it is this red light that colors the moon in red

– if you manage to multiply the rise of the moon. According to Robert Cumming, the moon looks dramatic, the moon seems very large

The longest moon eclipse of this century

As the moon is unusually far from Earth, she seems a little smaller it takes longer to get through the shadow of the earth, making the eclipse of the darkness unusually long. The longest of this century. But not enough …

– When the eclipse is in progress, if you see it far enough in the country, you'll notice a very bright star under the moon, "says Robert Cumming.

Mars is the planet is closer to the earth than in fifteen years now and seems bigger and shines much stronger than usual.

– In some parts of Sweden, it may look even redder because of the smoke from the fire, but it can also be a bit more difficult. The phenomenon is best seen in the south

The disadvantage is that the moon is low in the sky, the further you get to the north, the better the phenomenon will be south of the country you are. In addition, the beautiful summer night will make the color of blood less strong north

– It will be really exciting to see what it looks like. I'm really looking forward to seeing pictures from different parts of Sweden and hearing how people are experiencing the phenomenon in different parts of the country, "says Robert Cumming

The lunar eclipse will be visible simultaneously in Europe and Africa and in most Asian countries.

In Sweden, the show starts at 9:15 pm Friday night in Malmo when the moon rises to the horizon and ends at 1:30 am when the shadow of the earth leaves the moon.

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