The mortality rate rises in Japan after the rain


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe organized a trip abroad and travels to Okayama Wednesday, one of the most affected areas. Dozens of people are still missing and thousands are in temporary shelters.

Since there are still many missing, the mortality rate should increase further.

The rescuers are digging floods and landslides But the hope of finding more survivors fades

In the storm, which is the worst of the country for more 30-year-old roads have turned into floods and muddy waters are pouring onto trees and cars

warns of new landslides. In addition, people who live in temporary shelters or damaged homes and who do not have access to electricity or running water have temperatures of up to 35 degrees.

More than 75,000 police, firefighters and soldiers are looking for survivors. Read more: Worst Precipitation for decades in Japan

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