The national team behind the protest letters to FIFA – Radio Sports


The TV4 football channel had access to the letter sent to the general secretary of the Swedish Football Federation (FIFA), Fatma Samoura. It is written on behalf of the Swedish women's football team and more national teams are participating in the protest of FIFA's upcoming decision on silver prizes at the World Cup in France. 39 next year.

"It's a revolution and many players in the world are disappointed that the gap between men and women is increasing rather than being reduced and being prepared for battle," said a football manager at the chain.

FIFA Board of Directors Friday, at its meeting in Kigali in Rwanda, the prize money prize for the World Cup in France next year. FIFA plans to double the amount of winnings, which will rise from $ 135 million in the 2015 World Cup to $ 270 million at the World Cup in 2019. In addition, this would provide about $ 100 million for the preparation of the World Cup. Team and nearly 85 million SEK for liberation clubs.

Nevertheless, Swedish players have reacted to the increase of more than a quarter of a billion crowns of male earnings and the letter gives other examples. Since the 2019 World Championships are equivalent to 7.5% of the 2018 World Cup Russia World Championship, this money is less than a quarter of what men received, while the cost is almost identical. .

"We wonder about the fact that the differences between the cash prizes for men and women are increasing and that this seems strange," said Magnus Erlingmark, general secretary of the gambling association, which one of them signed the letter.

The players' association asks FIFA to wait for the decision on earnings before having any information on the table. In addition, Fifa wants to negotiate with the international player of Fifpro.

Facts: FIFA World Cup money distribution


The prize money award by the International Football Federation (FIFA) at the World Cup is far from equal, believes the Swedish national team.

+ The 2019 World Cup prize is 7.5% of the 2018 World Cup World Cup in Russia.

+ The money that will help the team prepare for the World Cup is on the women's side less than a quarter of what men have received despite the fact that the cost is fundamentally the same.

+ The team that will win the 2019 World Cup will receive 36 million crowns, or 10.5% of what the men of France have received for the victory in Russia this summer. The Swedes receive nearly seven million crowns, or 9.4% of what the Swedes have received to participate in the World Cup in Russia.

+ At the 2017 Men's World Cup in Russia, the winners received Germany more than the World Cup winner in 2019 and the teams participating in the World Cup received more than the participating teams in the World Cup. World Cup in 2019.

Source: TV4 Football Channel.

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