The P3 Gold 2019 leather | Gothenburg after


Once upon a time, can be a success. Twice a coincidence. But when the Partille Arena is able to organize for the third time the grand P3 Gold Gala, it's about to become a tradition. Or "a habit", as Daniel Claeson, the organizer of Partille Arena, explains.

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– Partille Arena is obviously ready for P3 Gold. Third time, it has become a habit and we are very satisfied. We look forward to the best P3 Gold to date.

READ MORE: Mingel, gossip and winners on P3 Gold

Gothenburg shares the attention

Even in Gothenburg & Co (co-organizer of P3 Gold in 2004-2016 in Storan, Rondo, Lorensbergsteatern, Lisebergshallen and Scandinavium), you are happy today. Even if the gal is held on the other side of the border of the municipality.

"That P3 Gold is once again choosing to run its event in Gothenburg and again choose the Partille Arena, I see as another sign that Gothenburg is consolidating its position as the music capital of Sweden, something of which we are extremely proud and happy. said Magnus Hallberg, head of events at Gothenburg & Co, in a comment.

READ MORE: Artists thank and receive pillars of consolation for P3 Gold

Before this bus service

Tina Mehrafzoon, Program Manager for P3 and Musikguidens, is entering the fray for the fifth year in a row. This time, with the Morning Pass, Marcus Berggren is a horse of attachment and accompaniment.

"My heart is so hard for Swedish music and with Marcus and the audience, it will be the biggest party of the year," said Tina Mehrafzoon.

Marcus Berggren, for one, is not completely unruly in P3 Gold. He roasted the so-called elite artists at the last gala and was the year before the public on the bus to Partille.

"Of course, it's not as important as charging a bus ticket to Partille, but it's still fun to have a job," says Marcus Berggren himself.

Galan airs on January 19th

Nine different prizes will be awarded to the most talented artists in 2018. The names of the nominated artists will not be announced until November 28, but the artists participating in the gala will be announced soon.

The 17th P3 Guldgalan airs on January 19, 2019 on the Swedish channels Radio P3, SVT1 and SVT Play.

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