The painful collision of Charlotte Perrelli with Bert Karlsson


When Charlotte Perrelli, 43, named Nilsson, began her career as a dance group singer in Wizex, the relationship with Bert Karlsson, 73, was at the top.

But when Charlotte Perrelli won the 1999 Eurovision Song Contest with "Take me to Heaven", friends suddenly became bitter enemies.

– Long story, but the short version is that after winning the Eurovision with "Take me to paradise" it did not work for me to work at Wizex. I felt that it was an untenable situation – and that did not please Bert and we became really uncomfortable in this respect, Charlotte told the magazine and continues:

– Bert would break me. He went incredibly hard and there are runners from the moment he says: "Mission: I'm going to crack Charlotte Nilsson". He had Mariann Gramophone in the back and sued me as a private person. So you should remember that I was only 24 years old.

READ MORE: Perrelli tells all about "So much the better"

Bert Karlsson tells me that the noise was on him and the manager of Charlotte Perrelli.

– I gave her a song at the Wizex Melody Festival and suddenly she stopped there. It's clear that it was not so funny, says Bert Karlsson.

Charlotte Perrelli and Bert Karlsson worked together when they both sat on TV4's "Talang" 2009-2010 jury and are now friends again.

– I think she's cruel, I have to say it. I am proud to have found it once and make it a star.

"He always dares to be himself"

In the fall, the singer Charlotte Perrelli publishes her autobiography, "The Girl from Småland" and in the book we record the sound of the director of the house of discs.

The singer wants to point out that she respects and likes Bert Karlsson very much.

"Go out with an autobiography in October, where I will tell you more in detail.But the important thing is, in fact, that I really respect Bert and love him very much.He always dares to be him -Even, even if it's uncomfortable and he'll have a big deal for that.This page is rarely displayed and it's the cheeky and polite person that anyone can read, "writes Charlotte Perrelli in a text to Expressen.

READ MORE: Charlotte Perrelli tells the secrets of the new biography

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