The pair of stars breaks – just one year after the birth of the son


One Direction member, Liam Payne, 24, and singer Cheryl Cole, 35, have been together for two and a half years – now they confirm the couple that they have ended their relationship.

The decision should have been made for two weeks Then, and according to The Sun, Liam Payne has already left his luxurious home in the English countryside

but the couple believes that they will continue to be close friends and The mother of Bear, aged one year

"Cheryl and I announce the sadness that we are going separate ways.It was a difficult decision to make for us.We still have so much love for each other than the family Bear is our world and we ask you to respect his privacy while we navigate through this together, "writes Liam Payne on Twitter. 7Ctwcamp% 5Etweet% 7Ctwterm% 5E1013539051419381760 & ref_url = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fnoelsbladet% 2Fa% 2Fdd209B % 2Fliam-payne-and-cheryl-school-have-done-end

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"They are in different stages of life "

According to The Sun, the break does not depend on infidelity or deception. The decision is common and based on what Payne and Cole think is best for the family.

– Cheryl and Liam worked hard on their relationship. They had problems earlier this year and managed to understand them. But they are at different stages of life, and the decision to go from one to the other is well thought out. It's the best for everyone, says a spokesman.

The couple met shortly after Cheryl Cole left a tumultuous marriage with Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini, 37 years old.

of the French

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