The plan for Brexit is complete


Today, it has become clear – the plan of how Britain will leave the EU.

The 98-page document outlines how exclusion should be.

"The proposal represents the voice of the British people," Theresa May said, according to the AFP news agency.

On Thursday, the British Parliament released a report describing the future of the relationship between Britain and the European Union.

According to the news agency, Prime Minister Theresa May said the proposal represented the voice of the British people

Theresa May has topics for which she and her party are fighting.

The London government wants Britain to join EU institutions after the exit of the EU, such as the European Chemicals Agency, the European Atomic Energy Agency, and the European Union. Aviation safety and the European Medicines Agency reports Reuters agency. ] The plan also addresses how future trade relations with the EU will occur.

"Divorce Divorce"

Just last Monday, former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, 54, resigned because he thought Theresa May Brexit's plan was too much soft. Just a day later, he was replaced by former Health Minister Jeremy Hunt.

He's not the only one left. David Davis stepped down as Brexit Minister on Monday and was replaced by Dominic Raab.

When Boris Johnson left, Theresa May warned against a "messy divorce" from the EU unless the union changed its bargaining position.

The text is in the process of being updated.

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