The players have designated AIK for the Swedish flop of the season


Seen by all Swedish colleagues before the season

This spring, the AIK has been elected "Flag of the Year" by all Swedish colleagues.

Today, they can get SM gold.

"All the others are somehow our enemies," said Henok Goitom.

On April 9, 2018, Sportbladet published a survey of Swedish players. The question: what will be the flop of the year? One club received by far the highest number of votes (24%).

– That was of course AIK. It will always be AIK, "says Henok Goitom laughing.

AIK had invested well in the season and had attracted several Swedish stars, which obviously prompted many people to wonder if Rikard Norling would collect all the pieces of the puzzle in one unit.

"I saw the title that we would be the flop team.It's easy for people to always say AIK because we still have high expectations," said Per Karlsson.

"They want us to float"

Alexander Milosevic is convinced of the reason why the players have widely believed that Gnaget would be most likely to undermine.

– They do not vote on AIK because they think we'll float but because they want to that we are going to float. They do not think so much but come out of the heart.

Why do they want the AIK to float, then?

"On the football field, you can be a little greedy Do the things you think about after things happen in the heat of the moment But many others think that we are always the same, even outside the plan Milosevic declares that we are so invisible and continues:

"But I just think it's fun, AIK is always the best, the best and the best." There is a derby on the track, there are always AIKs taking over. When there are globally public festivals, there are always AIKs involved, it's like that.

"There is nothing but AIK"

Henok Goitom believes that the somewhat pleasant attitude of the outside world with regard to the association only strengthens the team.

– belonging to the AIK family, there is only AIK. All the others are, in a way, our enemies. We are strengthened by that. It will be a feeling against us that has really benefited us during the year. We want to prove something.

Something wrong, they obviously were not. AIK has lost only one game during the season and can defeat Gif Sundsvall today, thus ensuring victory for Sweden. Oscar Linnér enjoys almost doubts.

"It's always wonderful to refute anyone who thinks you're bad for what you're doing, we've worked hard all year to keep the critics quiet, we'll continue to do that," said the caretaker. goal.

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