The Polish judge returned after the judgment of the EU


Several Polish judges who had been forced to retire as a result of a controversial reduction in the age of their retirement resumed work on Monday. That, after a stoppage of the EU Friday, asked Poland to immediately cancel its decision.

The President of the Supreme Court of Poland, Malgorzata Gersdorf, is one of the judges who has resumed her duties, while calling the other judges who were forced to retire.

"We will see what happens later, but for now, everything is fine," Malgorzata Gersdorf said when he arrived in court, reports the Financial Times.

During the week, a dozen of the 27 appointed judges are expected to return to work.

The reactions of the Polish political establishment have been divided. Jarosław Kaczynski, the government leader for law and justice, said Friday that they should appeal the verdict, while Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said it was possible for judges to return to their services without having been replaced. Law and justice should take a stand this week on how to proceed, according to the Financial Times.

The reform criticized by the Court of Justice of the European Communities aims to reduce the retirement age of judges to the Supreme Court of Poland from 70 to 65 years. But with special permission from the president, every judge can get around this problem and continue after 65 years.

According to the Polish government, the purpose of the new law was to deal with judges who have remained since the communist period. However, according to the European Court of Justice and the European Commission, who dragged Poland to the European Court of Justice, the legislative amendment threatens the independence of the judiciary.

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