The reunion between Man Utd and Cristiano Ronaldo


It's a period of unfortunate associations for Man Utd. The first took place sometime last week when he suddenly began to rummage on the fact that Glazers would sell Man Utd to Saudi Arabia by all countries. Which, in normal cases, might not have given much pride, but as in the circumstances of journalists murdered piecemeal, seemed directly unfortunate, even if it did not reveal itself so much in these rumors.

The other appears tonight when Juventus participate in Old Trafford in the Champions League. For Juventus, of course, Cristiano Ronaldo, as everyone knows, is also charged with rape in the United States almost 10 years ago. And to judge both the state of the evidence and the fact that he tried to pay his misery earlier, we can not say that it seems very brilliant. In fact, it is strange that a great story has not yet been mentioned.

This puts Man Utd and Old Trafford in a less deplorable situation. Cristiano Ronaldo is obviously for good reason, enjoyed club fans as one of their great players through the ages. Under the leadership of Cristiano Ronaldo, Man Utd dominated English and European football for about five years and won everything. It is understandable that it was a big problem when it became clear that Ronaldo would be returning to Old Trafford with Juventus, it is perfectly understandable to want to pay tribute to an old hero.

But at all costs, in all circumstances? It is impossible to ignore the fact that it will be uncomfortable and unpleasant and give very unpleasant associations. Hear about 75,000 spectators with collective voices pay tribute to a player, regardless of the player who is undergoing rape raids. What does he really say about this, in fact, if Cristiano Ronaldo is released later?

There are certainly those who argue that it is necessary to distinguish the players from the others: the football player Cristiano Ronaldo who is celebrated, not the person. At the same time, it is a highly artificial failure, which usually only happens when the person in question did something stupid, never a good thing, and a division of which we can be completely convinced no sense for a possible victim. In the end, this is only one way to try to shut up for something you would not want to think about.

Moreover, if this is the case, the difference between humans and animals is made. Ched Evans and Adam Johnson are two players who have both been charged and convicted for similar crimes without any break between players and people. In the case of Evan, the sentence was served, the verdict was revoked and a new trial took him away. Many still consider this a pariah in English football. One might suspect that they were as good at football as Cristiano Ronaldo, just as well known, just as valuable, the situation was another.

Excuse and look in your fingers at the bad behavior only because of the celebrity, however, it's walking on a very thin ice, even if you see it almost all the time. Celebrity and support prevent the star from taking responsibility for his behavior. The question of having the star as idol or if the star is playing for his club is allowed to overturn the guilt issue or not, instead of being seen as blank and often suspicious and crushed in the place of the other party.

It is bad enough that it happens at some kind of middle-aged dinner. But it's worse when the clubs themselves are guilty of the equivalent. It is obvious that Juventus has already sunk into this story in a more or less unthinking way to support Cristiano Ronaldo, with the absurd argument that he is certainly not such a fantastic football player. As if it had something to do with it.

We have seen similar stupidities in other clubs. Of course, Liverpool lost his head when he appeared in front of Luis Suarez to defend himself in connection with the allegations and was eventually punished for racism. It was becoming increasingly important for Liverpool, like Juventus in this case, to try to protect its good, sporty and financial, rather than act and react in a morally decent way. In the end, Kenny Dalglish was fired for a good reason.

In terms of the balance between financial assets and moral honesty, Man Utd may not feel like a safer legal framework at the moment. The nightmare seems to be that Utd, a permanent firefighter, is preparing to make a public broadcast in concert with Cristiano Ronaldo before the game. This time, it is thought that this should also be in Ronaldo's interest. And I do not know what's the worst, how could it sink into Man Utd or if it could work.

On the other hand, what the public at Old Trafford does is comparable to what the club itself can control or do. But, as I said, it would not be the least unfortunate to hear 75,000 spectators pay tribute to Cristiano Ronaldo in his current position and if, to a certain extent, you think the fans are part of their club, you must also accept that He is hitting the club again. You can not both eat the cake and keep it.

So what should the crowd do, is it really supposed to bow to Cristiano Ronaldo on his return to Old Trafford? No, you are surely not obliged to do that, he has not been fired for anything yet. Normal and polite applause may be something that must be accepted. But strong stories, ovations, singing "Viva Ronaldo, put him on a plane and bring him back from Spain!" And so on, in this situation, it is expressing his support to the one who was wrong.

Somewhere in Old Trafford, it is obvious that a football game will also be played. One on paper, the good football match between Man Utd and Juventus, two of the giants of European football. But how do you make the transition between today's topic and the good speech about a football match? Obviously, if we can, and maybe we are forced to make a big bonus for Man Utd to score, preferably win, against Juventus if they want to increase their chances of leaving the group.

And if Man Utd succeeds in this area, they certainly have the best chance of doing it on Old Trafford. And if I hear Old Trafford dancing, cheering and singing tonight, you can only hope that it is for this reason, no one else. It's an unhealthy reunion between Man Utd and Cristiano Ronaldo at Old Trafford. It was perhaps embarrassing anyway, given that Ronaldo is a fantastic player who can obviously help Man Utd to lose the game.

However, some things in life still have to do without football, fans, etc. Hopefully we'll see something like this at Old Trafford tonight. But I can not say that I am particularly confident that we will get it.

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