The royal house banned Meghan Markle's favorite food


Before the former actress of "Suits" Meghan Markle 36 years old, married to Prince Harry and became the Duchess of Sussex, she was a mature woman who would like to give a tip to his fans. crazy recipe.

In her blog now The Tig, she invites you to creamy pasta, spare ribs, spare ribs and spicy curries.

But the life of the Duchess of the British King family is prolonged and Meghan is forced to make more sacrifices.

Formerly, News24 wrote about how Meghan can no longer wear pants, and now Meghan's next setback will be.

She can not eat her favorite food anymore.

  Meghan Markle "title =" Meghan Markle "/> 
<figcaption> Meghan Markle can make some sacrifices now when she is the Duchess of Sussex Source of the image: Stella Pictures. </figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>  Darren McGrady </strong> is the head of the British King's house and he revealed that all the food that Meghan likes is totally banished to Buckingham Palace </p>
<p>  Both pasta, rice and potatoes are banned in the royal house – and the reason is that the Queen <strong> Elizabeth </strong> does not eat carbohydrates.And if that's not enough, Meghan is not allowed to eat garlic.The rule of garlic s & rsquo; Applies to all members of the royal house </p>
<p>  – We can never serve anything with garlic or onion Express </p>
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