The rules of the World Cup are made after the crusade Sarah Sjöström


The victory of Sarah Sjöström, the Swedish star of simon, is not a novelty.

But last year she made the first bet of the World Cup – where Sjöström won the total victory of more than three million. The year was determined by the short-term World Cup, and the World Cup and Olympic Games medalists automatically qualified for the warm-up.

This year, all swimmers must participate in the events. a challenge "

Sjöström welcomes the changes, but admits that it will be a major challenge compared to last year.

– The only thing that could be, it's four weeks between European Championships and the World Cup, to continue that time will require, and in view of this, the first group would have been well Dagens Nyheter, aged 24, believes that it will be a challenge to be taken on the

The Swedish star will try to make an extra effort for the World Cup this season

– But I take one bunch at a time Let the form decide I think I'm not in shape that I want during the first bunch maybe I think, she says.

Do not Believe in Stenmark Connection

During the glamorous years of Ingemar Stenmark in the 70s and 80s, several changes were International Ski Federation, among other things. e was introduced which forced Ingemar Stenmark to participate in the race for the World Cup.

Sjöström does not appear to be conspiratorial – she rejects the idea that Fina (International Shepherd) introduces the rules to stop it

– No, I really do not think so, she says to DN .

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