The scandal surrounding goalkeeper Alexandre Benalla pushes Macron


– I was informed that the presidency had been informed, which is appropriate because in the hierarchy that prevails in such cases, it is not up to me to act. It belonged to the chief of police and the president's office, said Collomb during a hearing at the French National Assembly on Monday.

On three video recordings of May 1 this year, published by Le Monde and the media Mediapart, he shows how Alexandre Benalla, 26, wearing a police helmet, a radio in his hand and a tie on his arm [19659002] Benalla has long been a close associate of Macron and has participated as an observer at the police station, while a thousand anarchists have broken a McDonald's restaurant. But he had no right to intervene.

Now he was fired and must be brought to trial, including suspected falsely claiming to be a police officer.

The question posed by the opposition is: why did it last two months?

Secretary of State Collomb states that he was informed of the incident on May 2 and that his department was in contact with the presidency, but not the president himself.

The staff response became a two-week suspension. So Benalla could continue to work

The case is not going better because Benalla should have tried to influence the investigation that he understood. He would have been a police officer to have access to the video before it appears to the public via Le Monde.

Benalla has been in the inner circle of Macon since 2016 as a bodyguard and security advisor. He was responsible for the security of Macron as part of the electoral movement, and an influential employee in the presidency.

Up to now, the president has chosen not to answer questions about the case, but according to sources close to him, a major reorganization has now occurred in his immediate surroundings.

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