The scapegoat to save Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman


Also US President Donald Trump Now begins to believe that the critic of the Saudi regime and journalist Jamal Khashoggi is dead. Khashoggi disappeared when he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October.

According to President Trump, his administration is considering a "very serious" action against Saudi Arabia if the data is correct.

But at the same time, Saudi Arabia is one of the United States' leading allies in the Middle East. And Trump is close to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the man who holds the real power in the country.

Trump has previously stated that "criminal elements" could be behind Khashoggi's murders. A body has certainly not been found and so far we only have Turkish data that the journalist was murdered and cut, but no one thinks he is alive.

Nobody also believes that some "criminal elements" are behind. 15 Saudis took the plane the same day, including a lawyer who should have cut his body.

So no, it was very likely an operation carried out by order of Mohammed bin Salman. But there are different ways to order.

It's in many ways a story we've seen before. This is not the first spectacular assassination of a person who evoked a powerful ruler.

For example, anyone visiting Salisbury Cathedral in England can check out the site where an archbishop has already been murdered inside the cathedral. Because yes, it happened.

The Archbishop of Canterbury called Thomas Beckett and the year 1170. He was overthrown by four knights who thought to act by order of King Henrik II. For the king did not say:

Nobody can help me get rid of this messenger to the priest ?!

After that, King Henrik II meant that it was not at all what he meant. It was not assumed that the archbishop would be murdered.

Maybe the Saudis can speak English in the Middle AgesFor this, it seems that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman thinks of a difficult dilemma.

According to the New York Times, they plan to give the debt to Major General Ahmed Al-Assiri for what happened. Assiri is the vice president of Saudi intelligence and bin Salman is close.

He was a former spokesman and faced the military intervention of Saudi Arabia in Yemen, a conflict that has claimed about 10,000 lives and is now threatened with massive dumping.

The plan therefore seems to indicate that Assiri received the verbal order to kidnap Jamal Khashoggi to bring him to Saudi Arabia for questioning. But something has gone wrong.

He went too far or misunderstood his mission. Rather than the knights of Salisbury Cathedral, then.

This is a solution that suits Mohammed bin Salman well, but also in the United States. Washington can criticize and put its finger on it, but does not go as far as seriously damaging important relations with Saudi Arabia.

And how was Henrik II? It has been bad for a while, was it argued that it would be cursed on the part of the Catholic Church. But he sought a public correction and would remain in power until his death, 19 years later.

Mohammed bin Salman is only 33 years old. He hopes to be guaranteed for many years in power, and a fool of reporters should not stop him.

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