The social network for the right extras can be closed


After Saturday's anti-Semitic shootings in a Pittsburgh synagogue, where 11 people were shot dead, Gab's social media is under intense pressure. The Paypal payment service has already closed the company's account on Saturday, and by the end of the weekend, Gab's web hosting company, the domain name provider and additional payment services had broken the connections. Gab was therefore forced to raise money through the Startengine service, which has so far accumulated around ten million Swedish kroner.

already in November The same year, several popular white-blooded accounts were permanently closed on Twitter.

"Why should the left-wing monopoly of social media be qualified to judge what is" news "," trend "and" harassment "? I did not feel well, so I wanted to do something about it and give to people something more equitable, "wrote the founder, Andrew Torba, in an email to Buzzfeed in September 2016.

Gab has since been controversial. The company's mobile apps have been stuck regularly in Apple and Google app stores. After discovering that the man who had spent the weekend to qualify "lethal attack directed against American Jews in American history" had actively propagated Nazi propaganda on the platform, press Gab. The fact that Paypal has chosen to deactivate the company's account means that Gab will not be able to bill its fleet services.

Gab took a press release distance all forms of terrorism and violence, which means that they transmit to the police the information they have about the suspect. Despite this and the fact that Gab has no official political orientation, the site has long been the scene of various types of racism and hate and has served as a platform for the so-called movement of all rights. A study published in February this year, which analyzed 22 million messages on 336,000 accounts, showed that more than 5% of messages on the platform contained words called hate propaganda, more than twice as much as Twitter.

During the summer and autumn of 2018, payment services, but also advertising networks and web hosting services, have increasingly chosen to break off collaboration with companies. Web sites related to the American movement of movement all right. In September, among other things, Paypal decided to close the account of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones after harassing the parents of victims of the Sandy Hook attack for a long time.

This phenomenon has also affected web pages in Sweden. Starting in 2017, Nordea closed the bank account of the Nordic Nazi resistance movement and the far right Public Social News, formerly Avpixlat, has been stuck in Google's advertising tools since April. The site now depends on donations.

On Twitter, Gab has been fiercely beaten, among others, against the decision of Paypal, which is described as the result of the fact that the Internet is guided by "three or four companies that decide if you can or no". However, he is promised to continue doing everything to keep the service alive, despite the large number of companies that broke the tires.

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