"The strength of leadership makes NATO stronger" – News (Ekot)


US President Donald Trump was strongly offensive to his European colleagues and more or less demanded that NATO members invest more in their respective defense budgets

– All member states understood that this president American

The powerful offensive of the president against European colleagues to invest more money in defense has completely dominated the NATO summit.

Donald Trump said after yesterday that he was extremely dissatisfied with the defense defenses of many other countries, which he considered too low, but that they did not really numbers. The United States has not been treated fairly, but we are doing it now, Donald Trump said before moving on to training in Britain.

In Brussels, several other statements by Natoleders and Trumps were confronted with questionnaires and refusals. ] Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that Italy, for its part, has not offered today to make additional contributions in relation to what has been decided before. Member states should add to the defense the corresponding 2% of their gross national income, which is not currently the case in many countries, but these countries will bring in 2% by 2024. [19659002] The NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, also did not have this issue if there was any fresh money during the meeting, but said that he did not have any money. there is a new feeling of haste is thanks to a strong leadership of President Trump. This will make NATO stronger, says the boss of NATO in Brussels.

Jens Stoltenberg avoids to address some details of a new sum of money promised at the NATO summit, as told by the President Trump.

– This discussion has made NATO stronger. Jens Stoltenberg

Here in the United States, Democratic representatives have criticized Donald Trump's offensive rhetoric in Brussels. Nancy Pelosi, minority leader of Democrats in the House of Representatives, said that there was no way to explain the total lack of respect Trump showed the other Natoledians

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