The support of the son – after the beginnings of the first princess


Countess Alexandra has been criticized for her recently recorded pop song "Wash me away". Ekstrabladet gave the lowest score to 1 (out of 6).

During Percy Nilsson's big birthday celebration at Malmö Arena, she had the chance to play her song for the first time.

"I feel honored to come to Malmö and interpret this song," said the Countess at Evening Post.

– I felt a little nervous.

The countess shouted

In front of some elites of Malmö, like billionaire Dan Olofsson, she made her debut. The event was closed and neither the press nor the uninvited guests were welcome.

Olle Berggren, author of several books on entertainment in the evening, was in office.

"I was very impressed – it looked like she was an artist all her life – she was both relaxed and cordial.The song can be a hit in Denmark, but not in Sweden.

"It was a professional performance, it was better than the one in Swedish Idol, the crowd was fire and flames because it could also be a turkey, but it did not seem nervous, the voice was not strange, it was as if she was practicing stealth, she solved this problem with honors.

After the show, Countess Alexandra Percy Nilsson thanked her for coming. During dinner, she was also sitting next to the super entrepreneur.

Get support from the wires

Countess Alexandra, on the Evening Post issue, does not want to answer if there are other appearances or songs.

In Malmö, Alexandra had the two sons Nikolai, 19, and Felix, 16.

Both of them thought it was great that their mother had turned into a pop star and be on a foreign stage.

"Very cool," said Nikolai at the evening post. But we give him our full support.

The two sons are very surprised by the ears that his mother dared to leave here.

After the show, Countess Alexandra noted:

"My biggest fear was to forget the text.


The fact that the Countess Alexandra recorded the current pop song and thus becomes a pop star is entirely dependent on the collaboration with the Swedish organization of help "Stars of Life".

The organization was created by Malmömiljardaren Dan Olofsson and his wife Christin in 2005 and all the money raised is used to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS among young people in southern Africa.

Alexandra's mission is to become an ambassador for the organization.

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