The Syrian Army is preparing to take control of Daraa


Data on the humanitarian consequences of the ongoing offensive in Daraa are very contradictory.

The regime-controlled Sana news agency reported Tuesday that the Syrian army and its Russian allies were "securing" communities around the provincial capital, Daraa, "whose residents were suffering under the authority of the terrorists ".

The Syrian-American Medical Society (SAMS) Help Center, which operates in Daraa, describes the severe suffering among civilians who have escaped Russian and Syrian bombings in the region in recent weeks.

SAMS representative Sami Zayn writes in his Twitter account of how tens of thousands of families have been driven into the desert, "where they literally have no protection".

The temperature of the day is around 40 degrees and reports of young children die from dehydration due to water shortages. Snakes and scorpions are other dangers of life that hide in the dunes. SAMS has sent a mobile clinic in the region adjacent to Jordan, but its resources are far from sufficient to meet needs.

However, according to the UN refugee agency in Jordan, between 40,000 and 60,000 330,000 displaced people in Daraa in the last three weeks could now return home. On Tuesday, the Syrian Red Crescent also sent a convoy of trucks with a food package of 21,000 refugees stranded in the desert area near the Jordanian border

The Syrian regime under President Bashar al-Assad began talks with fragmented and unequal resistance groups. The reports are generally grouped under the name of "Syrian rebels".

Parts of this umbrella organization called the South Front negotiate the terms of surrender. According to the trends of the old government offense, opponents who choose to surrender their weapons will be offered free shelter. The others are deported to Idlib, in northwestern Syria, a province that has become a sort of reserve for "rebels" of different estimates.

The Syrian media has shown recent days parts of the army. There are guy wires and combat vehicles that the United States has on the southern front.

The images of the thorny war episodes are a telling symbol for the United States who are now distributing the Syrian "rebels" Well, overthrowing Bashar al-Assad

Just a year ago, the president American Donald Trump and his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin agreed that Daraa would be a "demolition zone" and subject to a ceasefire. All in order to protect the civilian population. But when three weeks ago, Russia was in charge of the offensive to "crush the terrorists" in Daraa, the agreement on the climbing zone was not mentioned [19659012].

Tuesday, the iron ring reinforced by the Syrian army around the part of the provincial capital Daraa – with about 100,000 inhabitants – is still in armed opposition groups.

The Jaish unit linked to the IS Khalid bin al-Walid stands in the pockets of the opposition near the Golan Heights occupied by Israel. There are also fractions within the "moderate" rebels who continue to fight.

But in practice, the Syrian government army, backed by Iranian militia and Russian bombing, took control of Daraa, the region where the Syrian popular uprising began in March 2011.

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