The threat to the Baltic States –


Sweden's choice to stand apart from the Alliance Defense Alliance makes the Baltic States almost impossible to defend. They are just taking a European map and marking only the NATO countries to see how vulnerable Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are. Sweden is needed to defend the Baltic States in the event of an armed attack.

The likelihood of an attack varies depending on the person you are talking to. The fact is that Russia has been allowed to conduct several operations against neighboring countries during the last decade, of which the occupation of Crimea and the war in Ukraine are the worst.

Hybrid war battles that Russia owns and manages the Baltic states. From propaganda and electoral influence to the abduction of an Estonian security officer on Estonian territory. However, the extent to which it is likely that Russia will intensify the situation is practically not excluded

Most of the Baltic countries are probably Latvia. This is partly because the country is located between Estonia and Lithuania. If Russia controls Latvia, the Baltic Corridor is cut off and its neighbors isolated from each other.

Neither is it by an armed attack, even masked. Latvia will soon be elected. In the recent elections, the Saskaòa party, Sweden's Harmony, has come a long way and is the largest in Latvia, even though it has little leverage up here. The party is the front of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Latvia, has power, among other things, in the capital Riga and does everything for such a split in the country. Party leader Nils Ušakov has worked hard to mitigate sanctions against Russia and has been very clear that Putin is the best option for Latvia.

The party benefits from the money of Russian oligarchs, Russian propaganda and hard work. wash the image of the party. The formal cooperation agreement with Putin's United Russia was presented before the October 6 legislative elections in Latvia. Harmony also calls social democracy and tries to rely on the credibility of established social democratic parties. Among others, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) is used in one of the party's election films. Something like Löfven was both blessed and praised.

Using all this and more, Harmoni seems to make an even better choice in October than before. However, the size of the elections poses a significant threat to the security of Latvia. When the power of Ušakov in the kingdom is not unthinkable, he invites Russia to Latvia. The occupation could be carried out without a single shot fired.

That Löfven and S really understand what they give their support to the very uncertain.

Daniel Persson / SNB

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