The titles of the followers of the avatar may have fled –


James Cameron captured a worldwide fantasy with the 3D Spectacular Avatar in 2009 and has since been planning to reconquer cinemas with the four followers of the Pandora people. Cameron recently recorded two Avatar Adventures and the BBC reveals that they have now acquired information about the titles of the movies.

If that happens to be true, then we will have these strange titles to hope for in the coming years, where the first two titles are mainly in aquatic environments:

Avatar: The Way to Water, Avatar: The Seed Bearer, Avatar: The Tulkoun Rider & Avatar: The Eywa Quest.

Kate Winslet plays a na? Vi from a water culture, where the idea is to explore the many cultures and wars of Pandora. Sigourney Weaver, Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana return to The Way of Water, which will be premiered in December 2020, and The Seed Bearer, presented the following year. The Tulkun Rider and The Quest for Eywa will premiere in the 2024s and 2025s. Do you want to go back to Pandora?

"No more smurf joke !!"

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