The toivoon of the future in the national team: "Not ready to stop work" | Gothenburg after


The World Cup is over for the Swedish and for several players, the adventure in Russia was the last with the national team. Andreas Granqvist has made his team, reports Sportbladet.

– We will see. I'm going to melt these days and then talk to Janne in peace and quiet, but it's very possible that this was the last international match, "says Andreas Granqvist, and continues:

– I have not not yet made a decision Feels after a few days. It takes a lot of time to play in a national team and you have to feel that you can play at a high level. But I will not emphasize any decision.

The one who can leave is Ola Toivonen, who had a bad time in his Toulouse and had to do extra training for a place in the team.

– Obviously, it was difficult. But I had Jimmy (Durmaz), we had Paul (Balsom) and Janne (Andersson) in the background, that made the task easier.

– I could not work the week. I have to play, otherwise I can not be at this level. I do not have that motivation.

Have you closed the door on the national team?

– Absolutely not. But it should be on my terms. It is absolutely impossible to continue doing classes after workout and gym hours.

In Toulouse, the confidence in Toivonen is brilliant by his absence – but the time spent at the club should not end for the Swedes.

– I have a contract there and if I do not have a better deal, I do not touch. One should be afraid of what he has.

Although it may mean that you can not play in the national team?

– Yes. I have two children and my wife and school and children's garden to think about and they have fun very well. We have moved a lot over the years, so everything will fall.

Truth Granqvist ends

In the mixed zone after the match, Martin Olsson was questioned about his own future in the national team.

How do you see your motivation to continue in the national team?

– Of course I want to play. But I think I have shown that I still have energy and that I can still give a lot to the team. We'll see if Janne wants me to stay in the team, I'll probably be there.

After the European Championship, there were a lot of players who ended up and there are several players who are questioning about their last game. Martin Olsson had the question of what he thought and what it would mean for the team.

– We have a good game because we certainly have hungry players who want to do well. So, those who are going to finish, they have done a lot for the national team, a lot for all the players here. Everyone has been positive, it's a good gang. They will be missing.

Have you talked about it?

– No, actually no. There were so many games and we focused on the matches. Maybe we'll talk about it tonight. But I do not know.

The Copper Stop?

– I think so. He has been amazing in recent years, so he can keep his head up.

It's nice to finish this?

– That too, but he wants to continue, it is obviously positive. But I think maybe he's ready now, you'll ask him too, "says Martin Olsson.

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