The total change in the life of Kalle Moraeus – reveals the plan


Kalle Moraeus is one of the participants of TV4's "Biggest Loser VIP" this year.

In the weight loss program, Moraeus shows an intimate side while he struggles to lose weight.

Now, the program manager and the artist tell the story of Breaking News on Channel 5.

"There are few things I've been so grateful to do for" Biggest Loser VIPs. "It meant a total healing in my life, in how I feel. violently violent and that I propel it properly, and that I spend as long as I am there, "said Kalle Moraeus, claiming that he had led his life" in a radical way ".

New relationship with Gunilla Persson

The artist of the Melody Festival says that he knows very well lose weight. The biggest challenge will be not to go back up.

"I know very well how to lose weight, I'm very read, so when I'm on that number, I'm dreaming of watching the wave, so it starts for me." Removing weight is pretty simple when you're dedicated, but Is life late, it takes 1 to 1.5 years for the fat cells to disappear, so it will be much more difficult, he says.

In the latest episode of "Biggest Loser VIP", Moraeus wandered with Gunilla Persson – and in "Breaking News", the question of the relationship with his wife in Hollywood.

"When you live there and you have a ton of time, it's impossible not to go out with everyone." Obviously, I hung up from time to time with Gunilla, tells Kalle Moraeus.

In a text, Kalle Moraeus explains that he has not been in contact with Gunilla Persson after the recordings at the castle.

"I have not been in touch with Gunilla after the castle.When you are in the castle, it is inevitable to talk to everyone.But you can not say that there is a deep friendship neither now or now. " No war either, "wrote Kalle Moraeus.

Moraeus feels better than ever

He also finds that one of them got tired after several weeks together, but that there was no big problem.

"To live so close so long, it is clear that you are a bit tired, but I can say that there was no problem for me once." With someone. "writes Kalle Moraeus.

Filip Hammar, program manager, wondered if Kalle Moraeus was afraid of losing popularity if it became too narrow.

Moraeus says he's better off than ever.

"It's as if you're happier in your mind," said Agneta Sjödin, guest program manager.

"I'm like a summer butterfly," says Kalle Moraeus.

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