The Tour de France stopped after kaosscener


Protestants tried to stop the Tour de France during the race

Then chaotic scenes arose as the tear gas from the police should have been projected into the eyes of the cyclists, according to several reports [19659003]. French farmers at the Tour de France, one of the greatest cycling competitions in the world

But never the race should be stopped – until now

Wales Geraint Thomas was responsible of the 16th stage, between Carcassonne and Bagnères-de Luchon, when some local farmers suddenly began to drive hay bales on the track with their tractors

Something that involved the police.

Spreading with the wind

Most police cars escorted Tour de France cyclists clutching hundreds of cars tightly behind cars.

Many competitors were also upset thinking that the peasants had used pepper spray against them, but now they are reporting Belgians. a bicycle number, Team Quick Step, according to the British newspaper The Sun, according to which the tear gas of the police spread with the wind and provoked the cyclists

"Several have suffered"

In the issue d & # 39; Eurosport. 19659003] – We were told that tear gas had bounced off the faces of cyclists. I do not know how many, but several guys have been affected. Not seriously, though, thankfully, says Matt White, Deputy Director of Mitchelton Scott of ITV

A moment later, the race could continue.

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