The United States forces the EU to kneel


The United States reintroduces total sanctions against Iranian oil exports from 4 November. This means that all countries that continue to buy Iranian oil will face draconian sanctions.

Eight individual countries with long-term contracts with Iran are given six months to settle them.

The EU is obliged to breach its obligations under the Iran agreement and to bow to the United States.

The United States agreed that eight countries, including Japan, India and South Korea, could continue to buy Iranian oil for up to 180 days. China is part of this group, but negotiations are still ongoing. The remaining four states have not been named.

Exceptions to the sanctions were granted in order not to contribute to the rise in oil prices, said a State Department official.

according to Washington Free Beacon Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo, after pressure from the EU, has agreed to allow Tehran to use SWIFT, the international bank transfer and payment system. Thus, Washington aggravates the urgent threat that a payment system uncontrolled by the United States will materialize soon. The EU, Russia and the BRICS have warned against this.

At the same time, Pompeo made it clear to reporters Friday that the European Union was not one of eight jurisdictions that will be allowed to buy Iranian oil. The EU which has declared itself a member of the nuclear agreement with Iran will therefore be obliged to violate this agreement. The EU is forced to kneel and, of course, it is also resolving its contractual obligations to Iran, which will heighten tensions in the Middle East.

Brian Hook, United States Special Envoy for Iran:

"Our goal is to reduce Iran's oil exports to zero." According to our forecasts, the supply of oil will exceed demand in 2019, creating a much more favorable climate to bring it back quickly to zero. said the diplomat.

In the eyes of Europe, the actions of the United States are irrational. It is about deeper values ​​such as the "right" of the hyperpower and the need to take revenge for the greatest defeat of the United States after the Vietnam War, the loss of the "power" of the United States. Iran.

Here in the Iranian desert, an American attempt at military intervention in the country ended on April 25, 1980.
Is it time for a new attempt?

war and peace 3/11

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