The victim's book must prove the virginity of the cultural profile


In November 2017, 18 women from Dagens Nyheter testified about how they were exposed to sexual abuse and abuse of the so-called cultural profile, a man with close ties to the Swedish Academy. He denies the crimes and some parts of the pre-trial conference will be uploaded later. In June, however, he is prosecuted for two rape cases.

A deep crack occurs when a lawyer's investigation reveals the association of the cultural profile with members. Peter Englund, Kjell Espmark and Klas Östergren leave their seats.

Horace Engdahl writes in Expressen that "Sara Danius has been the secretary of all secretaries since 1786". Two days later, she leaves her position as permanent secretary and her president. Plus, Katarina Frostenson is on her way.

The king announces that he amends the statutes of the Academy so that it is possible to leave his place to his own request.

The Academy entrusted the investigation to the police and the CEO opened a preliminary investigation.

On April 28, Sara Stridsberg also announced that she was leaving the Academy.

In May, the Academy announces the launch of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2018. The winner will be selected and announced in parallel with the 2019 laureates.

Members Lotta Lotass, Klas Östergren, Sara Stridsberg and Kerstin Ekman are allowed to take leave.

Sara Danius, Kjell Espmark and Peter Englund ask Horace Engdahl to leave the academy. In return, they are ready to "help rebuild".

Hovet states that it takes twelve members for new elections.

On June 12, the so-called cultural profile is prosecuted for two rape cases. The lawsuit concerns two cases involving a woman in Stockholm in 2011.

In August, Sara Danius, Kjell Espmark and Peter Englund announced that they could think of "possibly" participating in the invasion of new members.

In September, the Academy holds its first regular meeting for the fall season. Suppose a new comment on the city, published on September 14th.

On November 7th, member Jayne Svenungsson announced that she wished to leave the Academy.

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