The warning to Trump: "A war with Iran is the mother of all wars"


TEHRAN Iranian President Hassan Rouhani sends a warning to US President Donald Trump. "Do not play with the lion's tail – you will only regret it." America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, but this war with Iran is the mother of all wars. "The United States has chosen a much tougher Iranian policy than in the years with Barack Obama. Last May, Donald Trump announced that the United States would abandon the crucified nuclear agreement from 2015. An agreement that Trump calls a "disaster"

By threatening to overthrow the country's oil exports, the states Have crossed a border. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who is now out with a strong warning.

– Trump, do not play with the tail of the lion – you will only regret it. America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, but this war with Iran is the mother of all wars, says Rouhani, according to the national agency IRNA telegraphy. According to Expressen, "stopping oil exports from Iran is a policy issue because the country has long ensured the safety of neighboring trade routes above the garden." Rouhani explains that Iran will stop oil exports from the Yellow River, if Iran's exports are stryps.

– The behavior of our enemy is unpredictable.Although the current US government does not seem to be speaking publicly about it. a military attack on us, we have detailed information that they tried to persuade the US military to carry out a military invasion, "said Iranian Director-General Mohammad Baqeri (f, b, e, w, n , t, p)
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