The White House arrested the CNN reporter for the press conference


– We are in solidarity with CNN for the right of our journalists to full access as part of a free press conference, "said Fox reporter Jay Wallace in a statement released by The Guardian

Jay Wallace is far from being the only one criticizing the decision to portray the CNN reporter at the press conference.But criticism comes from a Foxreporter, especially because Jay Wallace himself – even has been repeatedly acclaimed by President Donald Trump.

The reason journalist Kaitlan Collins was not released at the press conference Let's be questions that? she asked at a press conference earlier in the evening, and the way she put them on, reports CNN.

At the previous press conference between the two world politicians, she posed questions about, for example, the old av Ocat of US President Michael Cohen and Russian President Vladimir Putin

. Donald Trump never answered the journalist's questions

Before a press conference in the White House Garden, a reporter called a press conference titled "Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Press Secretary of the White House".

During the meeting, she discovered that she had received her personal invitation to the press conference because of the way she was asking him questions

– They said the questions were crazy for this opportunity and that I was too noisy,

The press conference was presented as open and during the meeting, the reporter was assured to stop it only

– They said, "We do not ban your media house.Your photographers may still come in. Your manufacturers may still come in. But you're not invited to Rosewood today," says Kaitlan Collins

CNN and several other media houses have searched the White House for a comment on the event, but it has not yet been.

CNN reacted strongly ] and in a written statement called for the amel ioration:

"The decision to exclude a journalist is punitive and not an open and free press sign. We ask better, "says the channel

Olivier Knox, president of the White House Correspondents Association, WHCA, writes vivid criticism of the White House

– This genre revenge is completely outrageous, inflamed and weak. That does not matter, he says according to The Guardian.

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