The winner of the 2018 Paradise Hotel has become Robin "Mos" Andersson


Robin "Mos" Andersson, 26, and Jennifer Karlsson, 28, attended the final of "Paradise hotel".

Robin "Mos" Andersson was in the "Paradise Hotel" for the third season – it's his second win. In the final, Andersson chose to throw the ball, which was completely in line with the plans.

But instead of winning the full victory, he found that it was shared with Jennifer Karlsson.

"I said that day that I was there to hit the ball." The idea was to throw the ball, no matter who I was with, but now I'm not sure. I have the impression that Jennifer and I went on a trip together, she helped me until the last week and then I thought we had to share the money. Now she has chosen me again at the ceremony and then I have not been able to take all the money, he says.

Paradise hotel 2018: secret sign

Before the final, Robin Andersson had written that he would share the winnings with Josefin Karlsson's sister, Rebecca Karlsson, 27, who also participated in the program.

The Karlsson sisters will share 250,000 Swedish crowns while Robin Andersson will receive the second million dollars.

"When Robin threw the ball, I became very shocked, I did not know he would, it does not bother me much," said Josefin Karlsson.

Viewers do not see at first that Robin Andersson winked at Josefin Karlsson shortly after throwing the ball.

"Then I started laughing instead," says Josefin Karlsson.

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