The worst family when Frölunda fell | Gothenburg after


It took 17 seconds. Then the puck behind Jonas Gustavsson was in the lead of Linköping.

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The passport came from the new acquisition of Rhett Rakhshani, the arrival put the back Gustav Lindström at the bottom of the nets.

– It was fast there! This is not often the goal of the first change. It was fun, says the scorer in the C More TV interview.

"It was a pretty cool start to the season, I'm trying to keep up with my pace, I think it went better than expected, in fact, you never know what's going on in advance." said Frölundas at the beginning of his stay at the American Rakhshani.

The goal was at least the beginning of a crazy period, filled with both chances and goals.

Firstly, Nick Sörensen's local team scored its eighth goal of the season – in front of the future Swedish federation, Johan Garpenlöv, who also examined the former Frölundabacken Lukas Bengtsson and the keeper Jonas Gustavsson.

Frölunda remains in the Champions Hockey League – and will have no players in the first Three Kronor team for the season.

Then Frölunda had a numerical advantage – and nailed Linköping's defense against the ice.

All set up – with Ryan Lasch and the new Rhett Rakhshani – the pace of the puck, the puck fits perfectly – and finally, Patrik Carlsson managed the shot and scored the 1-2 goal.

You will then know that the puck has already arrived several times before – in the same byte.

"Set up, it's waiting and waiting like magic," Rhett Rakhshani told the GP before the match – and seems to know exactly what he's talking about.

He caught Roger Rönnberg:

– We move, we move the puck. We look extremely bright on the power play!

But it was not over for the goal party there.

A moment later, Samuel Fagemo, Frölundas Junior, sent a passport to the sheet for Joe Whitney at Linköping.

He was released with Johan Mattsson – and finished with the puck in the cross.

Phew! 2-2 in goals, 10-10 in a shot – and an extremely hectic first season in the Saab Arena.

"Our two goals are two fights," admits Roger Rönnberg, coach of Frölunda.

The second period was speechless – and Frölunda can thank Johan Mattsson for. He played incredibly inspired and saved several freelancers. The goalkeeper also took a double chance from Joe Whitney, saved with a so-called scorpion rescue.

In the final period, Simon Hjalmarsson scored a goal with a loss in the power play – and the game was under way.

There, Luke Bengtsson showed that the family is the worst.

The former Frölundabacken, with a 2016 gold medal, won the victory in Linköping in the top digital position.

Patrik Carlsson did not play in the third period.

He felt his loins – and went out.

– A precautionary measure, says Roger Rönnberg.

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