Then it became absurd – even with measured Trump measurements


It's not easy to shock Americans. Not when it was President Trump, but when the press conference began on Russia's participation in the US presidential election, it became absurd – even with the Trump measure

Putin has denied, of course. All right Just like that.

– I do not see why it was Russia, says Trump at the press conference.

No reason? Excuse me?

Nearly every reason in the world: US intelligence agencies investigated the issue and concluded that Russians were involved, including cyberattacks, and their motivation was to increase chances of Trump. win the election.

The Senate Intelligence Committee arrived at the same thing after a 14-month investigation. The chairman of the committee, Republican Senator Richard Burr, said that "there is no doubt that Russia has made an unprecedented effort to disrupt the 2016 elections." Democratic Vice President Mark Warner took another step in declaring in the same statement that the Russian initiative was "complete, sophisticated and orderly by President Putin himself to help Donald Trump to hurt Hillary Clinton".

Up to twelve Russian agents were accused of links with the Russian military intelligence service GRU.

– They hacked computer systems and installed spyware to see what information users had on their computers. Then they spread information on social media, said Rod Rosenstein, US Deputy Justice Minister, when the allegations were presented.

A total of 32 people were charged as part of the Russian investigation of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.

No reason, did you say?

Former CIA boss John Brennan writes on Twitter that Trump's statements were pure "betrayal".

Putin acknowledged at the press conference that he wanted Trump to win the election – because Trump said he would return the normal relationship again. What Trump used to say is that Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win. Because he himself would be so hard on Putin.

Of this hardness, a trace did not seem. Trump was fortunate enough to face Putin and warn the country to try to fix itself in the upcoming US elections. Trump does not usually attract confrontations. Last week, he faced Theresa May, NATO and the EU. But in the case of Russia, he said that countries share the debt

But he does not only ask the American people to rely on Vladimir Putin rather than the US secret service, his own adviser Security and the Senate Intelligence Committee. Trump motivated this election?

"Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial."

Republican Senator Jeff Flake says the answer has "floored" and the Washington Post said the press conference was

Strangled Republicans have tweeted that Trump's comments were a shame for the United States; Sen. John McCain called it a new low-benchmark for US presidents and former Republican MP and Ham Radio writer Joe Walsh wrote that he is now taking Trump's hand:

– He represents a clear and clear danger for the United States. Republicans can not live anymore. I can not be quiet anymore.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who has long criticized Trump, pointed out that the president had missed the opportunity to keep Putin in charge and then tried to cheat on football that Trump had received from Putin: [19659003"IfIwasIinvestigatedtheballoonandensuredthatitcontainednointerceptionequipmentandneverallowedittoentertheWhiteHouse"

I think we can call it a success, Putin said at the press conference. For one country, yes definitely.

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