Then, the princess's autumn holidays will be


The fall was eventful for Crown Princess Victoria. In a short time, she made several commitments, including a five-day trip to Lebanon and Jordan.

During the trip, the royal visit visited several refugee residences and was remarkably taken afterwards. The stories from there made it "very difficult to summarize all the feelings," she explained.

Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit the refugee camp of Urj al-Barajneh in Beirut.


But the kingdom has also reached a personal level. Last week, the news of Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit was suffering from chronic lung disease.

At court, the news was received with great sadness. For Victoria, who has close relations with the Norwegian Crown Prince, it was a blow.

Have a hangover with children

But now, the promise of autumn comes at the right time. The Crown Princess couple would have been available to rest and spend time with Princess Estelle, 6, and Prince Oscar, 2, during the autumn holidays.

"The whole family is together," said Margareta Thorngren, head of information.

Princess Estelle and little brother Prince Oscar at the national holiday celebration this summer.


Take a free supplement

According to information provided to Swedish women, the Crown Princess would have taken a few extra days off during the promise. The schedule is free for 18 days, until Monday, November 12th.

The law of Prince Daniel, on the other hand, is not so far away. As of November 6, he is expected to visit Linköping as part of the Prince Daniels Fellowship and Entrepreneurship program.

What the family should do during unemployment is not yet clear. But according to the previous law, it is clear that families are enjoying free time.

"This is a week when many small children are spending more on their children because of school holidays," says Margareta Thorngren.

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