Therefore, the Chinese ambassador will attack me


IDÉDEBATT | GUI MINHAI. The Chinese Embassy recently sent negative information about Gui Minhai to several Swedish news editions, as well as to organizations such as the Association of Journalists and the Swedish Publishers Association. Expressen learned of embarrassing emails sent by the embassy to writers and the president of civil society.


Gui Mihai is an editor and writer who has written several books on Chinese politics. After the Tiananmen Square massacre, he fled China to Sweden and became the only Swedish national. In October 2015, he was kidnapped by Chinese agents in Thailand. Gui then successfully ran a publishing and bookstore business in Hong Kong with the illicit literature of the Chinese regime. On October 24, China announced that it had released Gui Minhai, but was under surveillance and severe restrictions. He was arrested again on January 20 when he was in association with the staff of the Swedish Embassy. Gui Minhai suffers from ALS.


Last month, the ambassador himself "spent a lot of time trying to suspect Gui" in an interview with Sveriges Radio's "Conflict" P1. This according to the head of program Ivar Ekman who said that it was anecdotes of the old life of Guy in Sweden. However, "conflict" chose not to send the data because it is impossible to verify.

However, this does not justify China's treatment of him.

The main reason for this is that Gui Minhai was locked up for 1,000 days without trial, and therefore can not speak for himself.

Thus, the prerequisites are perfect for one of the Chinese Communist Party's specialties: character murder. One captures a story, exaggerates, adds, grates and whistles aloud and stubbornly out of their own new narrative. The focus is effectively on China's abuse, on a discussion of the person who is exposed to it.

Indeed, the mistakes made by Gui Minhai, if any, do not matter. However, this does not justify China's treatment of it. A treatment that includes the refusal of consular and medical assistance despite serious health problems, two kidnappings, one in the company of Swedish diplomats, and three to three! – false recognition on Chinese television.

READ MORE – Jojje Olsson: The European ambassadors make the voice of Gui Minhai

The Swedish media attacked

And it is not only Gui Minhai himself who is going to be agile; Even the Swedish media and journalists who pay attention to his fate are sworn in. Last week, a long press release was posted on the website of the Chinese Embassy, ​​where the undersigned was personally attacked.

My behavior is misleading and shameful, my person is dishonest and completely without credibility.

It is said that people who have the least common sense can easily see that my reports are full of lies and exaggerations, for the sole purpose of mischievous blackmail to China. My behavior is misleading and shameful, my character dishonest and completely without credibility.

The reason for this – apart from dozens of articles and a book on Gui Minhai – was my interview in the article "Expressen" Swedish journalists punished China "19/6), where a handful of Swedish journalists spoke of growing difficulties doing their work in China. The article, the Chinese Embassy, ​​is not only full of prejudices and lies, but also "totally unacceptable" and an example of "media threat".

Chinese Embassy

The Gui Minhai case has intensified since Ambassador Gui Congyou took office in August 2017. He started in 1991 – just after the Tiananmen Square Massacre – his career at the party's central committee that designed the ideology and political theory of the party. 19659002] The quarry has since been on Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Gui Congyou, among others, has been working at the Chinese Embassy in Moscow for more than a decade

– It is about a former party official whose education and experience are clearly focused on Russia. He is also an undemocratic theorist, who is now trying to implement his methods in Sweden, Jichang Lulu who studies China's activities in the Arctic, in Expressen.

According to an interview in the Chinese media this fall, Gui Congyou had never set foot in Sweden, or had had a Swedish acquaintance before taking office. Jichang Lulu believes that the track record of the ambassador may explain the obvious lack of understanding of the functioning of the media in a country like Sweden.

READ MORE – Jojje Olsson: China is threatening and scary in Sweden

Sweden particularly vulnerable

It is likely that the ambassador before his assignment will receive centralized instructions to win the fight for the Swedish story of conscience. Since then, the Embassy has invited Swedish journalists to provide them with "facts" about Gui Minhai, and sent officials to expert groups in the ABF house to tarnish his personality. .

In the interview above in "Conflict", the ambassador also agreed to direct a warning to our government: If Sweden pushes China with views on Gui Minhai, it will seriously undermine bilateral relations. He was also very active during the week of Almedal.

Similarly, more Swedish journalists will be attacked by the Chinese Embassy in the future if no one says it from now on.

Ambassador Gui Congyou seems to proceed with a rare self-esteem. When the Federation of International Journalists of Taiwan (IFJ) called this week to ask for my personal safety, its president Ian Chen declared that they knew of no case where a journalist had been assaulted by similar names. on a website of the Chinese Embassy somewhere in the world.

In addition, Chinese government media once again released the suspension, with both Expressen and my name. Paradoxically, the state paper also admits that this kind of embassy press releases is very rare

But the development should not come as a surprise, at the moment when China is testing the limits of what the diet can escape. The Swedish government's reluctance to clearly condemn Gui Minhai's treatment makes the embassy see little risk of extending its influence.

Similarly, more Swedish journalists will be attacked by the Chinese Embassy in the future. What may happen next is worth thinking about when Gui Minhai locked himself in China for 1,000 days for the books he published.


Friday, July 13, a demonstration will be organized for the editor Gui Minhai, who spent 1000 days in Chinese prison without trial. It is held outside the Chinese Embassy. Jojje Olsson, Patrik Lundberg of the Federation of Swedish Writers and Ida Ölmedal, Writer of Expressen Kultur


Jojje Olsson is a journalist, a specialist in China and living in Taiwan. He is up to date with the book "They kidnapped the Chinese Swedes" . [ad_2]
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