Theresa May resumes negotiations on Brexit


The news was presented in the context of the government's publication of a policy paper on exit plans from the EU.

The change was interpreted as a turning point towards a milder Brexit, a line criticized by Brexit supporters of high-ranking supporters of Theresa May. Including former British Prime Minister David Davies and Foreign Minister Boris Johnsson, who recently left the government in protest against Theresa Mays Brexit Line.

The decision was quickly described by government critics as a way for the government to bypass the Brexit minister and give the Prime Minister and his Brexite advisor, Olly Robbins, more money. influence on the process.

However, criticism was rejected during an hour of questions with Olly Robbins and Dominic Raab in the British Parliament Tuesday afternoon

– We were clear – there is no conflict between us, says Dominic Raab in Parliament.

Theresa Mays spokeswoman Alison Donnelly told reporters that the Brexit minister will keep in touch with EU chief negotiator Michael Barnier.

During Question Time in Parliament both were pressed on the details of the continuing route to the exit of Britain.

With 248 days before March 29, 2019, when the release will be executed, Dominic Raab announced that the government will guarantee the food supply in the country if Brexit is done without a trade agreement with the EU.

– We will make sure there is enough food, he said.

Guide: Brexitröran a proof of the problem of referendums

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