Therse Grankvist, Dream House, about the London drug festivals


During the 90s she was one of the biggest pop stars of Sweden.

Now, Therese Grankvist is aware of the festival of nostalgia "We who love the 90s."

– It will be the feast of the year and I will participate in the three concerts in Sweden, she told Nöjesbladet.

Drømmehus "or Thérèse Grankvist 41, as his name is really one of the acts of the festival of nostalgia," We who love the 90s "now in July. [19659004] All the successful story of "Dream House" started with Thérèse behind Dr. Alban in the late 90s.

– That's what you would do for yourself I and a friend had read it in a newspaper agreement.And then that was, she said.

One led to the other "Dream House" was born, published hits like "You and I", "In my dreams" and "Want You" and "Dream House" had a list all over Scandinavia at the same time. History.

Various collaborations brought her to London at the beginning of the millennium and remained there for many years. "Dream House" was exchanged for the artist's name Thérèse and she was started to re music for an international stage.

1 of 4 | Photo: Stefan Mattsson

Thérèse Grankvist

The success took place and resulted in three of the top 10 hits on the English list and she participated in the classic TV show "Top of the Pops" two times a year. Then began a carousel of hard work, club life, party and party worshipers.

– In London, one must succeed. It's hard and there is a backside with success that is totally brutal I think. With the party and the drugs. I have not lived the healthiest way of life in the world and I have partying and I continue:

– In the swing club and gay circles where I touched, it's hardcore when it comes to drugs. And I've heard that Sweden is starting to look like Britain, that drugs are crawling over time and that you are completely open. It's worrying I think.

Left London Life for Sweden

Thérèse managed to break the pattern, she was born of the party and wanted something else. After Sweden and nature.

– I felt that was enough. I was 38 years old and I felt that I could not live this life in London anymore. It was a fun time but I never thought I would end up as a broken soul standing in a bar in Soho, she said.

She returned to Sweden in 2015 to start a new life here at home. Now she has partner, villa and dog at the same time, but still works with club music. Especially to Britain, returning to London to work.

"Will backstage"

Thérèse is enthusiastic and shines when she talks about her involvement in "We Who Love The 90's".

– Imagine sharing scenes with groups you grew up with. Exhibitions and idols. We share scene, backstage and we talk to each other. It's a kick for me, she says, continuing:

– I'm looking a lot at Scooter. I do not know if they are so funny but the phenomenon, its aura. Hardcore german rave with banal texts. And Leila K of course. We were hanging in the same places when it started. It was a special moment. When you met Leila, you felt that she was a real star. She came with her creations and you only "Yes!" A real super star.

For many years, Leila K has been tough and struggled with drug and justice issues, but seems to have taken the right path in life.

– I can not comment on Leila and how she is today. But everyone loves Leila. It's a legend. I hope that she will have fun and enjoy the giant and that all the fans of Leila K will have a real experience. I will definitely be behind the scenes and watch her.

The songs we are listening to most in 2017 00:47


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