They are nominated for the August prize – Culture Nutrition in P1


The complete list, with links to reviews and interviews, can be found later in the article.

For the thirtieth time in the order, the price of August will be awarded. On Monday afternoon, the complete list was published.

What can you say if they were nominated this year?

– If you start in the fiction book of the year, it's quite surprising. A bit political, but a clear trend regarding the themes related to the sword, Sweden, migration and immigration. As in Aednan, Linnea Axelsson's autobiographical novel Kenneth Hermeles "A shtetl in Stockholm, and Sami Saids," Hanna Jedvik, literary critic of Culture magazine, continues:

Among the most surprising are the 81-year-old "social democratic" stories of Björn Runeborg, who are fantasies of various key figures in social-democratic history, for example, Kata Dahlström, Tage Erlander and Per Albin Hansson.Then we also have the first 54-year-old artist, Karin Smirnoff, who, in "I Down to Brother", wrote a very moving and strong story, born in the West, about a broken family history,

And what does it look like in this year's trade?

Kerstin Ekman, former Academy member and long-time fictional author this year, is nominated for this year's book for his "Garden of Gubbas", an essay on nature and its plants and animals living on an acre of land called Gubbas Garden. A kind of tribute to nature, says Hanna Jedvik.

– Then we can see that the bodybuilder Expressen Jens Liljestrand is nominated for his book The Man in the Forest – A biography of Vilhelm Moberg.

And this year's book for kids and teens?

– With regard to the yearbook for children and young people, Emma AdBåge was a first for her excellent picture book "Gropen" as well as for the former winner of the month of August, Jenny Jägerfeldt, who was nominated for her "Comedy Queen" – a novel for youth on the young man's life. when her mother killed her life, says Hanna Jedvik.

Is there a monster?

"We wish Sara Stridsberg not to be nominated for her novel Love Antarctica, released earlier this fall, a favorite among many others.

The writer who wins a statue of August will be ready on 27 November.

Nominated for this year's Swedish fiction book

Linnea Axelsson – Aednan (Albert Bonniers Edition)
Ulf Eriksson – The Skalorn Store (Albert Bonniers Publishing House)
Kenneth Hermele – A Shtetl in Stockholm (publisher Weyler)
Björn Runeborg – Short Social Democrat News (Modernista)
Sami Said – The man is the most beautiful city (Nature & Culture)
Karin Smirnoff – I have a brother (Bokförlaget Polaris)

Nominated for this year's Swedish fiction book

Kerstin Ekman – Gubbas Garden (Albert Bonniers publishing house)
Martin Gelin & Karin Pettersson – Internet is down. Silicon Valley and the Crisis of Democracy (Nature and Culture)
Jens Liljestrand – The man in the woods. Biography of Vilhelm Moberg (Albert Bonniers publishing house)
Magnus Västerbro – Svälten. The years of famine that formed Sweden (publisher Albert Bonniers)
Alexandra Pascalidou – Mothers (The Atlas of Book Publishing)
Lars Tunbjörk, Maud Nycander, Göran Odbratt and Kathy Ryan – Lars Tunbjörk. Retrospective (maximum book edition)

Nominated for the Swedish book of the year for children and young people

Emma AdBåge – Gropen (Raben & Sjögren)
Jessica Bab Bonde and Peter Bergting – We're coming back soon (Nature and Culture)
Uje Brandelius & Clara Dackenberg – At Harald Henriksson's (Little Pirate Publishing)
Kitty Crowther & Ulf Stark – Spaces (Little Pirate Editions)
Anders Holmer – Rain (Nature and Culture)
Jenny Jägerfeld – Queen of Comedy (Rabén & Sjögren)

Texts nominated for Lilla Augustpriset

Samuel Levander – Garderobiär
Linn Spjuth – Who protects the gods?
Linn Spjuth – Being a beautiful girl
Sanna Wall – Excerpt from a lifetime
Elin Herrault – I cleaned my room today: a dialogue
Amanda Rudelius – She drowns a mermaid in the neighbor's pool

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