They want to take sanctions for Sweden against Switzerland at the World Cup in 2018


On Sunday, the two knockout stages, Spain-Russia and Denmark-Croatia, were settled after the penalties.

As in all the penalties of a World Cup, it means a lot of pressure on the players. And as in all penalties, there are no heroes and some become scapegoats.

John Guidetti hit one of the penalties in the final when Sweden won the gold medal in U21-EM 2015. He knows how important it is for a player to feel supported.

– We support you anyway in the team, and hope that all the Swedish people will do it too, but you still feel the enormous pressure. It's so much harder to beat that punishment and that's why everyone does not make goals, he says.

– Therefore, go with confidence and try to spit it out, but if you miss it, you miss it. They are better football players than all of us in this national team who missed penalties.

READ MORE: Sweden – Switzerland – All You Need to Know

READ MORE : Eighth-finals of the 2018 World Cup – All Matches

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They want to penalize Switzerland

Guidetti is one of the players who could think of one Swedish penalties if the eighth final against Switzerland

Albin Ekdal, Mikael Lustig and Gustav Svensson say that they can also imagine being one of the shooters.

Andreas Granqvist, who has already put two in the championship, considers himself given.

The federal team Janne Andersson takes out the shooters and he sounds like this:

– In general, you can say this: for me it's a selection, just like a withdrawal. team, and it is my responsibility to choose which players to perform. Then it 's up to the players to do what they can, that' s what I expect from the players. "

– I'll classify the shooters, the whole team in principle, and then we'll see who's on time, how is the situation when and if it was played 120 minutes." We have a clear plan on the how to manage it.

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