Third time loved "Women and the city" – Culture & Fun


For more than 17 years, singer and songwriter Marie Selander has initiated a musical dramatization of the romance "Women and the City".

There was a lot of backlash and sometimes we felt she was completely desperate, so it's amazing that the first one finally comes down, she says.

The third time

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There are almost only women on and behind the scenes in the dramatization of "Women and the City". On the first line, third person on the right, the initiator Marie Selander appears.

The musical theater "Women and the City" was created in 2001, but late in the process, the organizers learned that the municipality of Katrineholm had not cleared the playing field.

Try, but at the time the production was closed because the budget does not go together.

On July 4th, it is finally a first in the former Lokstallet of Katrineholm. Kerstin Ekman is in the audience and will also speak.

The municipality has made a big thank you to a lot of effort and several contributors, we managed to raise a budget, "said Marie Selander, who also wrote music to dramaturgy. 19659005] Many women on stage

Dramatization is based on the novels "Häxringarna", "Springkällan", "Änglahuset" and "A City of Light". The novels tell the story of women in Knight Katrineholm, where Kerstin Ekman grew up.

Dramatizing this masterpiece was a mammoth work, says playwright Ingegerd Monthan. It was a long pre-work that eventually led Kerstin Ekman to approve my script.

The story begins in the 1870s and extends until the 1950s. In other words, there are many scene changes and costumes. The director makes Judith Hollander

It's a story about the history of women and there are probably enough women on and behind the scene, says Ingegerd Monthan.

Hope for the good weather

city "under the sky and therefore depends on the weather.The same applies to Shakespeare at Grassgården in Vadstena and at the Roman Theater in Visby

At the same time, Lokstallarna is a good playground because Kerstin Ekman does not live very far, says Marie Selander

an ancient Greek drama.Here you will find a storyteller (Marie Selander), two main characters (Michael Mårtensson and Annika Olsson) , an orchestra with five musicians handpicked and the last but not least, the twenty-five-headed Fogelstadkören

says Marie Selander It will be a show of women's power on many levels.

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