This year's honorary citizenship wants to put the puzzle together and tell the story


The Skaraborg Academy is celebrating its 20th anniversary and is organizing a ceremony today at Högskolan i Skövde, which has won the Bavarian honorary year award. Former prize winner Sixten Västgöta-Bengtsson, Crown Princess Victoria, author Jan Guillou and comedian Robert Gustafsson are now joined by archaeologists Maria Vretemark and Tony Axelsson.

The two archaeologists are of course very happy with the price but especially the results of their work.

"We did not think it would be such a big project when we started in September 2005," said Maria Vretemark in a crowded university audience room.

Their work with the excavations of the Kata farm in Varnhem contributed to the historical writing of the question of when the Västergötland became Christian and changed. The region played a major role, contrary to what was previously thought.

The results show that Christian burial sites were used in the 900s, a few hundred years before the monks arrived in Varnhem. How do you know then?

Yes, among others, because the bodies were placed with the head to the west and the feet to the east according to Christianity. In addition, the so-called C14 method was also performed as a time-adjusted bone residue at the time.

Excavations were followed by the public and the results were also highlighted by the rich media.

Tony Axelsson explains that the excitement of being an archaeologist is the combination of academic work and physical work in the field.

"At the same time, people are interesting, whether they live today or thousands of years ago.It is what archeology is about, human events and thinking and digging.

Maria Vretemark agrees.

– To get a new story and break down the elements, you can find a comprehensive story, then tell it to people, it's very entertaining.

READ MORE: Viking Age animals found at Kata Farm

READ MORE: They dug a long 9th century house

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