Meghan Markles Dad Thomas Markle 73 years old, attracted a lot of attention and met a lot of critics – rightly so.
This after Thomas did several interviews where he told private details about his daughter's life. Thomas also paid for interviews
Shortly before Meghan and Prince Harry got married, Thomas also participated in paparazzi arrangements for which he also had money – something that really hurt Meghan. Thomas Markle and his daughter Meghan Markle //
Due to illness, Thomas was not present at the wedding of his daughter with Prince Harry May 19, 2018.
But despite this, now completely rays about Meghan, now the Duchess of Sussex, her father does not think she's happy.
In an interview with the British newspaper The Sun, Thomas is now telling Thomas his concern.

– I think she's terrified. I see it in his eyes. I see him on his face and I see him in his smile. I saw her smile for several years. I know what it looks like I do not like what I see now. It's not even a fake smile – it's a painful smile, says Thomas, and continues:
– She may have had only a few difficult days. I do not know, but I'm really worried. I think she's living under too much pressure. It's a high price to pay to be married to this family, says Thomas at Sun.
Meghan has had no contact with his father since the marriage.

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