Three departures from Okejgalan – have not been paid | Gothenburg after


The race continues for Okejgalan at Partille Arena. First, Aftonbladet has revealed that the secret service of the movie Secret Service, the group behind the success of the hit movies Oh Oh Susie and Flash in the night, will not appear.

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"We have not received a contract, no money and everything seems very unimportant.The whole galan feels like a big failure," said keyboardist and composer of the Secret Service, Tim Norell, at GP from his home in Spain.

"It really smells like swindles and we absolutely do not want to participate in. I strongly suspect that everything will break out, at the same time we regret that it happened and we are sorry for all those who were impatient to To hear our songs, "said Tim Norell.

Even the treat is falling

Friday afternoon, it appeared that Treaties Treat had also chosen to break with the organizer and remove the Okejgalan. The members of the Treat group should not have received any money.

– We always want to pay in advance and we have set a deadline for today. As no money was coming in, our financial advisors advised us not to participate in the action, "said Treats singer Robban Ernlund.

Do you think Treat did everything in his power to do the concert?

– Yes absolutely! But we have expenses and can not play for free, it is not possible. I really hope it will be a fun gala anyway and that the artists who will show up will be paid.

"Feels Aplurad"

Previously, it was known that the freestyle pop group did not come to Okejgalan after a dispute over the design of the contract. Then Mario Usilla was disappointed. When he then read that the secret service had jumped to the ground, he had gotten fed up, and when the general practitioner was able to find that neither of the two Treat was showing up – so that three of the biggest names in Galaxy have settled – it seems almost dull.

– It's so bad! Just feel that Samantha Fox is also supporting. I feel excited, "said Mario Usilla of Kungsbacka, who bought two dresses for the gala for 1,900 Swedish crowns.

It's a bit bubbly and incised, but it's the nifty patches on the wounds of those who plan to see Secret Service.

"In fact, we feel a little woody, that's not why we bought tickets.

Mario Usilla and his wife have tried to return their tickets but it is not possible. Ticketmaster says that they can not do anything and that everything is complicated by the bankruptcy of the first organizer.

"We do not get any money back, so we're going to see the artists coming in. Maybe it's going to be a guy playing panflop …

Tried to solve problems

READ MORE: Okejgalan gets rid of – despite bankruptcy

Anders Tengner, former editor of Okay and director of the conference for girls, said the general has done everything in his power to remedy the situation.

– All contracts ceased to apply in the context of the bankruptcy of the company. We tried to solve this problem in a very short time, which all the artists contributed, "says Anders Tegner at the GP and notes:

"It may not have been really managed in all areas, but I have to say now that it's a good thing for all the artists to get into shit after all.

Now, there will be no more jumps?

– What should I say? That makes you really hope. We are aiming for a fantastic gala.

The artists promise to perform the gala

The GP has already announced the bankruptcy of the company behind the girl last week. An open letter from the latest Okay artists, signed by Micke South and Peo Thyrén at Noice, was sent Friday night.

"Many of our musicians have been rocking last week for the festival and we are extremely proud that it is so … We promise we will do everything in our power to raise the roof and it will be an evening that we and our audience are late to forget. "

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